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February 12-14, 2020 - 4th Grade Coloma Field Trip
February 17, 2020 - NO SCHOOL – President’s Day Holiday
February 19, 2020 - School Site Council Meeting #4, room 11 at 4pm
February 25, 2020 - Parent Education Night – Social/Emotional Competencies that enable students to “lead their own learning.” Location: MPR
March 3, 2020 - Stingray Leadership Awards Assemblies
Accordions, Tabs, & Tables
Display settings help you display content differently. Most special display features won’t appear post teasers, however, so you need to click through on the post to learn more. You can even override the normal “Read more” to display something more descriptive.
Robust Webform
Here is an example webform using all basic component types
Put content here that you want to be seen on each page of the webform (if using page breaks). To see how this webform is configured, click the flyout menu and select Configure Webform.
Classes Library Example
Image, block quote handling, etc.
This post goes through examples of how to use the advanced classes library to display images, block quotes, and other content different. The example text is taken from Kafka’s Metamorphosis.
Headings Waterfall
Displaying a headings waterfall
Proin fermentum commodo lectus, sed interdum enim porttitor at. Curabitur tempus pulvinar odio ut mollis. Aliquam vitae eleifend sapien. Curabitur sem dui, feugiat et ultrices vitae, lobortis nec ligula. Praesent est turpis, accumsan ultricies vehicula quis, posuere ut tortor. Morbi et lorem purus. Nullam eget nulla at erat pharetra bibendum. Nulla ut sapien quis augue convallis blandit. Fusce consectetur porta metus ut commodo. Nam porttitor sem quis dui dapibus, vitae ornare magna mollis.
Heading 3 Etiam tristique interdum
Sed volutpat consectetur justo lacinia tincidunt. Ut in neque sed ipsum hendrerit interdum. Nunc iaculis sit amet magna ac faucibus. Proin lorem enim, placerat sed dictum eget, dictum quis lorem. Pellentesque ut rhoncus lacus. Nam rhoncus massa eget turpis gravida posuere. Aenean ultrices suscipit elit, ut molestie sem convallis at.
Heading 4 Vestibulum semper libero
In in tristique est, vitae venenatis lectus. Etiam quis posuere nunc. Mauris et suscipit nulla. Nulla vestibulum magna at ante elementum consequat.
This is an instance of the accordions
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas
Curabitur ornare arcu quis tempus ultrices. Pellentesque quis dui diam. Nunc rutrum facilisis leo, et aliquam felis pulvinar eget. Aenean congue odio ligula, vel imperdiet velit posuere eu. Cras nec sagittis quam, ac sodales mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Photo Gallery
This is an instance of the image gallery plugin
Photo galleries are recommended when images are the main content of your post. When you use the photo gallery post type, the images added to the post will automatically display in a gallery format.
File attachments
A wide variety of them
You can easily embed files with the body content of the post like this: Word document (.doc). To do this, upload files into the file attachment field below, then copy and paste the file number into the body content. The file will appear with the appropriate icon where ever you place it in the body content: Powerpoint presentation (.ppt).
Various HTML Elements
A little taste of everything
Bold, Italic & Inline Images. Morbi adipiscing ipsum nisi, at pharetra est euismod id. In eu felis nunc. Maecenas sed libero in eros tincidunt sagittis. “Duis lectus dolor, rhoncus id malesuada et, scelerisque sit amet nisi.” Nunc varius ante lacus, ac facilisis ante rutrum vitae. Nunc ut purus vitae neque condimentum laoreet.
Inline image element. Metus nunc commodo quam proin ut ligula id metus convallis dapibus. Nam fermentum, ante sed faucibus placerat, metus nunc commodo quam, id adipiscing augue nunc ac leo. Cras pharetra sapien in metus mattis, ut vulputate justo molestie.